+ srpski

„VES conto“  team consist of specialists who are engaged, for many years, in the domain of international development, both in the fields of their professions and in linking multidisciplinary knowledge required for the successful implementation of local and international projects in Southeast Europe. They have collected a valuable experience in the fields of economy, engineering and management by cooperating with international institutions, consulting companies, banking groups, as well as foreign and domestic banks and design and manufacturing companies.

Just to name a few institutions our team members have successfully collaborated with in the past:

  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • DAI Europe Ltd., London
  • European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE), Luxembourg
  • KfW Entwicklungsbank, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • LFS Financial Systems GmbH, Berlin, Germany
  • Cyvas Ltd., Moscow, Russia
  • L'Agence Française de Développement(AFD)

 In order to make you better acquainted with our team, we would also like to mention some of the major projects our experts were engaged in:

  • WeBSMEFF – Western Balkans Small and Medium Enterprise Financing Facility
  • EU/EBRD WeBSEFF I – Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Finance Facility
  • EFS (European fund for Serbia) SME lending programme
  • SUNREF, Jordan